Monday, May 11, 2009

What's Going On...

Well, there's not a whole lot going on in our world at the moment. I was sick this past week with some kind of stomach thing so Steven was a sweetheart and stayed home to take care of Lilly for me since I couldn't even get out of bed! Luckily, Steven nor Lilly caught what I had so that's good. Mother's Day was yesterday so Steven made me breakfast and had me take a rest from doing a few things. I get to go get my hair highlighted as my present so I'm excited about that! I'm in my 29th week of pregnancy so we're getting pretty close to our new little one arriving. She's quite a kicker, just like her sister was! Lilly likes to kiss my belly and say hi to baby. I'm excited to see how she reacts to someone else taking some of the attention. We'll see how she does. Steven is doing well and still enjoys his job. He's got some big goals for himself at work so we hope and pray that things goe well for him there. School just finished for the semester so I have a little break for a couple months. I'm pretty close to being done (finally) and hope to graduate next December. The end is in sight! Hopefully I can achieve that goal myself. Hello to all and we hope you are doing well!


Aweir said...

Wow, what a way to catch up all in one day! You know, it is easier if you do it a little at a time. :) Love ya!

Brad and Lisa said...

Yea! I'm so glad you updated this a little! Now keep it up! :o) You forgot to put one up of your pregnant belly though! I need to compare! :o) Lilly is getting so big! She's looking so much like a toddler now and not a baby!

A New Year!

I think one of my resolutions this year should be to keep up with my blog! I got really excited to start it and then I really slacked on keeping up with it. New year, new goals right? The May family is doing well. Steven is enjoying his now full-time job with Northwestern Mutual, especially since he is now graduated! Yea! I am still going to school, just a couple of classes. Lilly is doing great and growing so fast! She's adorable and we love spending time with her and seeing her learn new things. She knows some animal noises when we ask her, such as "What does a puppy say?" She then says, "Woof, woof," and then goes along with a few other animals. Steven thought it would be funny to teach her what Mommy says, which, according to him, is "No, no." She knows that one just as well as the animal noises that she does. He likes to show people the "cute" thing he taught her.